He’s still working on YOU!


Philippians 1:6

Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Samantha had decided to spend the afternoon painting with her three little kids. The newspaper was first spread to protect the floor from any spills or paints. Then, each of them was given their own sheets, brushes, and share of colors. Soon, the sheets were filled with the most creative scenes…ones you can safely term abstract. Samantha was lost in her painting, the background was a beautiful shade of deep blue and purple…the galaxy…the brush kept going back and forth until the right texture and colors were obtained. The kids gazed in astonishment. Just then, the littlest one, out of excitement, splashed his brush right onto Samantha’s painting! “Oh no!” the kids exclaimed, “your painting is now spoilt.” “a good artist knows how to turn this splash into a celestial wonder,” she said and continued her work of art.

How much more of an absolutely stunning artist is the Most High! Each one of us, being the most intricate and marvelous works of His hands. Do this-go stand in front of a mirror. Observe yourself. Did you know that even scientists have not fully understood how an embryonic cell intelligently operates to grow into a fetus? That is how you have been created…spectacular and remarkable.

You need to be firmly convinced of this: He began a ‘good’ work in you. All that He does is good. You are His creation, therefore, You should be good…but you are beyond just good. For He has fearfully and wonderfully created you. Don’t for a moment condemn yourself. For your Creator knows how to turn everything in your life into something beautiful. He is constantly developing the work He began in you, perfecting every element of your being and bringing it to full completion. When does He finish? On the day of Jesus Christ. Until then, don’t judge yourself yet, there’s still an unfinished part. But you’ll be better just according to His plan, fashioned by the Master’s loving hands.  Remember He’s the potter, you are the clay.


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