Holy Bible- Book of Life


The works of the Lord are great, Studied by all who have pleasure in them. Psalm 111:2 

In the simplest terms, the above verse tells us that, Those who love LORD and take joy in HIM, study HIS Word, i.e. they read the Bible, not as a tradition to be followed every day, but in order to gain understanding on how to lead a godly life. 

Just as every electronic appliance comes with a user’s manual, to make the usage of that appliance easy, Bible is our manual given by GOD, to make our life easy. GOD understands that this world is filled with temptations and problems, that is why Jesus said, in John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ has given us these written instructions through the Holy Spirit, using ready human vessels such as prophets and apostles. The Bible is the guide for human life. When we read it, it transforms us like no other book. A motivational book may bring in the adrenaline to change and it may make us feel good, but the Bible, is not a feel-good book, but a book of truth and reality, which breathes life into our broken lives. 

Today, we are all testimonies of how this book has changed our lives for the better and it has proven to us that the word promised in the Bible will come to pass, despite all odds. 



  1. P.d. samuel
    09 Nov 2021 10:21:43 Reply

    Bible is our owner’s manual to lead a fruitful life here in this world and promise an eternal life.

    09 Nov 2021 10:36:05 Reply

    Dear Brother praise the lord.
    The verses are so encouraging and gives us more strength to be able to overcome day to day challenges.
    I m a member of the church.

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