How do we stand


Psalm 121:3-“He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.”

Sometimes, when we come back from a dinner or from work, we see a watchman dozing off on a chair. He is human after all. But the God we rely on, neither dozes off nor sleeps soundly, while He watches over us. He knows the number of hair we have on our heads. He knew us before we were in our mother’s womb and chose us as His own. He has given angels charge over us – our going out and our coming in. They watch over us lest we dash our feet against a stone. Imagine the God who created the earth and everything in it, the God who calmed down the rough sea, and the God who fed multitudes of people with just 5 loaves and two fish is the same God who takes time to look after us –  you and me –  He has got us in the palm of His hand. Think about this.

As believers in Jesus, we have an impressive stand: we stand in grace, in the Gospel, in courage and strength, in Faith, in Christian liberty, in Christian unity, and in the Lord. The goal is to stand perfect and complete in the will of God. God does not allow our foot to be moved. He helps us establish our feet in a firm place – on His foundation of infinite power and goodness. He allows our feet to progress but not move to be overthrown. God’s watchful eye always looks with love and care upon His people.
In fact, when Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal, he mocked saying “He is sleeping and must be awakened” when Baal didn’t respond. On the contrary, He who keeps Israel never slumbers nor sleeps. Our God is always there to give us help. “Guard you” means to ‘stop people hurting you’, ‘not let your foot slip’, or, ‘not let you fall’.

Read the psalm again and change ‘you’/‘your’ to ‘me’/‘my”/‘I’ and believe it!
(When I look up to the hills I find no help there.

My help comes from the LORD.
He made the heaven and the earth.

He will not let my foot slide.
The one that guards me will not sleep.

It is certain that he will not sleep.
The one that guards Israel will never sleep.

The LORD is the one that guards me.
The LORD is near me to protect me.

The sun will not hurt me in the day,
nor the moon at night.

The LORD is the one that guards me from all danger.
He is the one that guards my life.

The LORD guards me when I go out.
And he guards me when I come in.
(He will do this) now and always.)