I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You


Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you. Genesis 28:15

These are words of assurance that God gave to Jacob in the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible.

When we go through uncertain situations in our lives, we always love support and encouragement from our family, friends, acquaintances, or even strangers. What if there is no one around to support and encourage us?

Jacob went through a similar situation. He was running away from home. He was alone and afraid.

Some of us may be like Jacob right now. We may have no one around for a word of comfort or help. In those moments of loneliness and uncertainty let us remind ourselves of these promises from God

I am with you
I will keep you wherever you go
I will not leave you

Today let us meditate on these promises of God, with an assurance in our hearts that nothing happens in our lives without His knowledge. We need to dedicate the control of our lives to Lord Jesus and let these words resonate in our minds when we feel alone, depressed, and demotivated.



  1. Rani
    15 Feb 2021 15:43:41 Reply

    Thank u God for the words of assurance. . We don’t have anyone to encourage or support us..but when we read this in the morning before we start our daily routine..these words become true n powerful in our lives…Bless the team for this

  2. Beatrice Priya S
    15 Feb 2021 17:18:24 Reply

    Thank you Bethel AG for this Word and so aptly said. I am going through this Jacob experience and it’s the presence and Word of God that’s encouraging and lifting me up. Thank GOD for all your daily devotions. Much prayers needed…

  3. L. Dawngliana dimapur
    16 Feb 2021 05:58:38 Reply

    Blessed be the name of our Lord! Thanks for the selected scriptures.I am blessed through the daily devotion. keep it up plz.

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