Impossible is Nothing


Mark 10:27 – “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.’”

“Impossible is Nothing!” That’s the tagline of a popular global sporting brand. But is it really though? True, we’ve seen sportsmen and women defy all odds, overcome physical, financial and societal challenges to rise to the top in their field. But even they are human. They have weaknesses too. They are not perfect. They have their own share of struggles – both internal and external.

But there is One for whom impossible is truly nothing – the Lord our God. He created the earth, the stars, the trees, the oceans, the birds, animals and mankind in under a week. Creating thousands of species to fill the oceans and the skies was all in a day’s work for Him. Nothing is impossible with Him.

Today’s key verse is actually Jesus’s response to the disciples’ question, “Who then can be saved?” (Mark 10:26) Jesus was giving the disciples counter-cultural guidance on who would enter the Kingdom of God. In reality, it would seem impossible for our sins to be wiped clean and for us to inherit eternal life. But God made a way for us. Jesus took the punishment on our behalf. He purchased our freedom with His blood.

The word, “Impossible” does not exist in God’s dictionary. Perhaps you’re going through an impossible situation in your life right now. Remember, you can always reach out to a God who specializes in making the impossible possible. He may not work things out the way you expect Him to… but you can be assured, He will make all things work out for your good (Romans 8:28).



  1. Mids Luke
    30 Jul 2019 00:19:43 Reply

    Lord, please have mercy and turn around the impossible- for- human situation in our lives to work out for good. We know that its only God possible and we long to experience your grace. Amen !

  2. Erlyne Rymbai
    30 Jul 2019 11:21:52 Reply

    With God all things are possible if we trust him with all our hearts and casts all our burden unto him he can turn the impossible into possible, to God be the Glory, Amen & Amen.

  3. Mahesh M.A
    30 Jul 2019 13:05:24 Reply

    Thank You Bethel AG Family/Team For Posting Everday. All Those Who Are Reading It Definitely Know That, God Is Dealing With Us Through The Verse & Exposition On Daily Basis
    #InJesusName , Let All Those Who Are Involved In Posting : Verses & Exposition On Daily Basis (Especially Pastoral Team) & also Viewers Who Are Reading It Everyday, May All Your: Prayers , Wishes & Heart’s Desires Be Covered By The Blood & Be Fulfilled In Coming Days According To God’s Will (Especially In The Year Of Great Triumph)
    Amen & Amen

    • Bethel Team
      30 Jul 2019 14:23:09 Reply

      Dear Brother Mahesh,
      We are so glad to know that you have been constantly blessed with the daily devotional postings. We really appreciate your prayers for THE TEAM working behind the scene and your words of blessing over all our readers.


  4. Govindarajan V
    30 Jul 2019 16:10:48 Reply

    We are one among the creations of our Creator. Creator created everything (with nothing impossible) in six days but creation (Human with everything impossible) boasts on the discovery of creator’s endless creations. It is a blessing to worship the creator rather than the creations. I surrender and take refuge in HIM and boast in the LORD.

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