In Christ Alone


Ephesians 2:13 NKJV

But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

Religious individuals often believe that they are always right with God. They can tick off boxes that qualify them as obedient children of God, such as attending church, giving offerings, praying, worshiping, etc. However, just like the lesson of the goats and sheep (Matthew 25:32), what matters is not our perception of ourselves but rather what God thinks about us.

Are we aligned with Christ or the ways of the world? How can we determine where we stand?

When we are in Christ Jesus, we are naturally inclined to be more like Jesus in our thoughts and actions. We are free from the lust of the flesh and live a life free from the passions of sin. The blood of Jesus, His only beloved Son, was the price that God paid to redeem us and bring us closer to Him. The knowledge of God’s sacrifice gives us the responsibility of offering our lives as a living sacrifice to God.

Living according to the ways of the world implies a life far from God’s intervention and blessings. It is a life of luck and wickedness relying fully on our wits: a rabbit hole. A worldly life will distance us from God and result in disaster.

The times we live in are more evil than ever, and only the life-giving blood of Jesus can draw us nearer to God. Our hope is found in Christ alone, and only His atoning blood can save us.


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