It is well with us!


When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Psalm 128:2

The world is undergoing chaotic times, but this verse brings much solace to the children of God. It is a promise we want to hold on to. In these current times, it is ever so important to enjoy the fruits of our labor and find happiness and contentment in our daily lives.

Bear in mind, however, that claiming this promise in our lives comes with a condition – blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128:1)! Fearing the Lord does not imply shaking or trembling in fear, too scared to do anything. It means honoring, respecting, and adhering to God’s ways, fully aware of the consequences. The blessings that follow obedient children are multi-dimensional, encompassing every aspect of our lives. Blessed careers, relationships, generations, and above all, physical and mental well-being will be the portion of those who follow His ways.

Today’s generation is quite fascinated by fame, fortune, and pleasures. They pursue instant success, unfortunately, even at the expense of their character and relationships. We may have everything in this world, yet we mean nothing to God. God’s word clearly states that nothing is worth achieving in value or purpose in our lives apart from Him.

When we remain attached to God like branches to a vine (John 15:5), our lives meet our Creator’s expectations. He works in and through us, bringing out fruitfulness. God’s word gives us the nourishment we need, the Holy Spirit counsels us, and God Himself will direct our paths. Today, let us commit to fearing the Lord, following His ways, and leading a fruitful life for His glory! We are happy and blessed, and it is well with us, Amen!


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