Jesus, My supernatural Strength


Psalm 27:7-8 Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.”

The relationship we share with our God, is exhibited in how we pray and connect with Him. We require a lot of boldness and confidence to call on His name in stressful times. We cannot cry out to someone we don’t know or expect a stranger to understand our situation. Therefore, building intimacy with God is paramount in our walk with Him. 

The above verse is a clear demonstration of our vulnerability in trying times and our absolute trust and dependency on His divine grace. This verse assures us that when we put our faith in the Lord and humble ourselves before His throne, His deliverance is guaranteed. Our Lord is aware of all things; there is no secret from Him. He knows our every tear, every pain, every sorrow and every disappointment. There is no shame in His presence. God loves us and has given us the privilege to reveal our wounds before Him so that He can heal them one by one.  

We have all faced disappointments, rejections and heartbreaks in various ways. We may never be able to recover from certain unpleasant experiences of our lives if we continue to trust in our strength. Our strength is limited, conditional and short-lived; we need something superior, boundless and long-lasting. We need the supernatural strength of the Lord.  

When was the last time, you broke down before your heavenly Father? Today may be a good day to evaluate your relationship with God. Come as you are in His presence and let Him strengthen, comfort and guide you through all your trials and tribulations. Allow Him to take the lead and turn your sorrow into joy.



  1. Nicholas Pink
    16 Jul 2022 05:41:10 Reply

    Heavenly father, I thank you and praise you for all your goodness, you are my lord and savior. Lord be with us guide us in trials and tribulations in mighty name of Jesus I pray Amen hallelujah 🙌

  2. Ruby willam Dhaser
    16 Jul 2022 09:50:09 Reply

    I thank God for everything God please please help us guide Thank you Jesus for healing my husband from itching helping him to recover thanks and Praises be to our God Jesus

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