Knock, Seek, Ask: A Pathway to God’s Abundance


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Mathew 7:7 (NIV)

In Matthew 7:7, Jesus imparts profound wisdom that echoes through the ages: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” These simple yet powerful words unveil the heart of our relationship with God.

When we ask, we acknowledge our dependency on the Almighty. It’s an invitation to lay our desires, hopes, and needs at His feet. God, in His boundless love, not only hears but answers. He bestows blessings, wisdom, and guidance far beyond our understanding.

Seeking signifies an active pursuit of God’s presence and His will. It’s a journey of faith, an unwavering quest for truth and spiritual growth. As we earnestly seek Him, we discover the depths of His grace, the beauty of His character, and the purpose He has woven into our lives.

Knocking on the door of heaven is a symbol of persistent prayer. It reveals our willingness to patiently wait and trust in God’s timing. When we knock, God swings open the door to His blessings, His mercy, and His infinite love.

Today, let us remember that God is not a distant, indifferent figure; He is a loving Father who eagerly awaits our requests, our quest for Him, and our persistent prayers. So, ask with a humble heart, seek with unwavering faith, and knock with persistence, for in doing so, you open the door to the richness of God’s love and His bountiful blessings.


  1. Sibyl Sharon
    17 Oct 2023 11:05:23 Reply

    So encouraging and Motivating words, correct 1 month from now 17/11 My first prof exams are starting, and these words are really blessing to me , Please pray for my friends and Room in Hostel to be happy and create peace in the midst of upcoming exams πŸ™

  2. Ruby willam Dhaser
    17 Oct 2023 11:18:51 Reply

    yes lord Jesus I need you every second please help me guide

  3. Pankaja
    17 Oct 2023 13:48:07 Reply

    Amen and Amen, πŸ™, my God heard my prayers,last weak I went to trip there I had sudden chock wile eating gronuts, I was unable to swallow or breath all of sudden in the street, everyone got scared,then I just showed action to my daughter to tap at the back ,it was not helping me , than I called Jesus help me to breath, I should not depend on others, God hear my prayers save me and I was just tearing,my God heard my prayers and saved me our God is a God,true God,only loving God…… Amen πŸ™πŸ™, πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

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