Let The Whole World Know


Isaiah 12:5

Sing to the Lord, for He has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world.

This is a generation that loves posting ‘status updates’ ‘tweets’ ‘stories’ to share with the world glimpses of what’s happening in their lives. But how often have we ourselves ‘proclaimed’ to the world what the Lord has done in our lives? What if we, ourselves had to spend some time pondering on these ‘glorious’ things…would we be able to contain His goodness or would we burst forth with praise and thanksgiving?

There is so much going on in the world that brings fear, unrest, hopelessness, hatred, anger, injustice, etc. But in the midst of all this, the world needs to know that the God of heaven, Jesus Christ is the answer to every good thing man is seeking for. We, as His children, have the responsibility of calling down the Kingdom of the Lord here on Earth as it is in heaven and this is what Christ Jesus taught us. The same God who has done glorious things in our lives can do glorious things in the lives of those who are willing to open up their hearts to Him. But it is our duty to let this be known to the whole world. Not by might, not by power, but by singing praises to His Name that His Spirit would move and overshadow us.

Beloved, lift up your voice and sing of His praises. Raise a banner of Hallelujah for His goodness and compassion. The world stands in need of liberation, it still has to feel His power. We are called to sing of the mercies of the Lord and make known His faithfulness to all generations!


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