Let your works do the talking


1 Chronicles 16:24  Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.


Preach the Gospel at all times, but use words only when necessary!

Chanting God’s goodness without the guidance of the Holy Spirit is not always God-sent. In fact, it may surprise us to know that even satan chants God’s goodness, though his ulterior intent is in dire contradiction to God’s plan,

Remember the time when the girl who was possessed by a spirit that enabled her to foretell the future, encountered Paul and Silas in Philippi? Whenever the men of God walked past her, she shouted These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.” -Acts 16:17.

What was wrong with her proclamation? It was the absolute truth, wasn’t it?

But, satan had laid a cunning trap, fully knowing that Paul would rebuke the evil spirit and free the girl from her bondage, which would not go down well with the people of that town.

Sure enough, it landed Paul and Silas in prison, where they were beaten mercilessly and left in a bloodied state.

While Silas and Paul were behind bars, they raised a sacrifice of praise to the Lord Jesus. Suddenly, prison walls began to shake and gates were flung open. On seeing open doors, the jailer assumed that the prisoners had escaped and was about to take his life, when Paul told him that they were ALL still in their prison cells.

All of them? Why didn’t the other prisoners run out?

That’s the wonder of our God! When he liberates us from bondages that imprison, He not only gives us physical freedom on the outside, but changes our character on the inside.

After leading them out of their cell, the jailer asked Paul and Silas, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” – Acts 16:30

It was Paul’s cue to declare the Glory and Wonders of our God! The jailer and his family were saved that very night. In fact, the Bible says they were saved IMMEDIATELY!

At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his household were baptized” – Acts 16:33


When we ignore the nudging of the Holy Spirit, our words may fall on deaf ears and discourage us, or reach the wrong people and cause us harm. However, we can always lay the foundation for God to release His salvation through righteous actions.

Yes, in the journey of salvation there are phases when actions speak louder than words!


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