Let’s Finish Well!


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7 (KJV)


“Life isn’t a sprint. It’s a marathon” is an old saying. To run a marathon, we need extraordinary levels of focus on each step, ensuring that we maintain the right pace so we won’t burn up. The runner keeps plodding on, sun, rain or the surroundings is not his focus all through the marathon, but the goal is the finish line.

Apostle Paul wrote the epistle of 2 Timothy while he was in a Roman dungeon awaiting execution. He reflects on his life and admits that he remained faithful despite everything he went through in his journey. Nothing that played out in Apostle Paul’s Life deterred his faith and focus.

Paul kept the pace of faith and the focus of eternal life always before him. He was able to do this because he spent time to build his faith in our Lord Jesus Christ by praying and reading God’s word.

We are to remain faithful in running this marathon called life with practicing pace of faith and focus on our eternal goal. Every day we need to spend time reading and waiting to hear God speak to us through His Word, the Bible. The marathon of faith is no sprint; let’s run diligently to finish well.


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