Light to Freedom!


Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. “John 8:12 (KJV)


Most of us who have experienced a power outage in our homes know what it is like to live in a dark space. The darkness in the room hinders our vision, restricts action, and takes away our freedom of movement. The first thing we look for is either a candle or an alternative light source that will dispel the darkness and give us the confidence to move freely.

In many ways, the world and our lifestyle have made our lives like a dark room. We are lost, confused, and we stumble and fumble in the darkness. We need a light that will dispel our darkness and bring us freedom, that true light is our Lord Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ can give us freedom from our past mistakes, freedom from wrong choices, freedom from regret, and freedom from evil.

With the ‘Light of the world’ in our lives, there is no obstacle that we won’t be able to cross, and there is no darkness that we won’t be able to dispel and no sorrow that the light of God can’t comfort. The light of our Lord Jesus Christ in and through us can help bring freedom to others in darkness. Even though there is much darkness in this world, we can continue to be free because we have access to our Lord.

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for being the light in our life. 


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