Listen to God’s Word


Proverbs 8:32 – “Now therefore, listen to me, my children, For blessed are those who keep my ways.”

Listening is almost an art. It’s easy for some to spout out their thoughts and words without thinking twice. Others might hesitate to speak out, preferring to process their thoughts internally instead. But listening doesn’t come naturally to us. Especially in this age with a smartphone always at our fingertips, it’s easy to get distracted by the notifications and we often sneak a peek at the phone while someone might be talking to us.

In today’s proverb, the speaker is wisdom personified. Wisdom calls out to us, urges us to listen and keep its ways. The world might look for wisdom on Google, in the library or in the words of an expert. But true wisdom can only be found in the Word of God. The Bible is a treasure trove of wisdom, equipping us for every situation we might face in life.

Need some encouragement when you’re feeling low? Read the Bible. Need advice on what to do next? Pay attention to what the pastor is saying in church. God speaks to us in various forms – through songs, quotes, sermons and articles. When they are based on God’s Word, they will encourage and equip us for our daily work. Take time to listen to what God is telling you, and apply it in your life. It will certainly be a blessing to you.


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