Live and dwell in his manna


Exodus 15:2 – The Lord is my strength and song , and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God , and I will exalt him.

Exalt the Lord most high and proclaim his good works in your life always. His work that renders you freedom and helps you enter into this place of worship where the Lord’s presence and habitation dwells in your inner being. It’s  here alone that you can find strength in the deepest crevices. You are able to quench the thirst and hunger you have and the longing of his grace for your life. It cannot be found elsewhere in this world. No amount of works of your flesh can fill that vacuum.

Fill your days and nights with praise in your lips. When you are low and down in the most darkest places of your life sing to him just as David sang. And right there in that time of singing and embracing his name in your lips you will not only exalt the one who made and formed you in the being you are today; but his manna of praise from your lips will provide you the strength to wade waters of every kind; rustle through the strong winds that stand against you and the turmoil that your heart feels as night seeps into  another day.

Live and dwell there and you will be filled and filled until you reach a place of overflowing.


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