Love and Justice are all in one


For he will not lay upon man more than right; that he should enter into judgment with God. Job 34:23 KJV

‘Justice’ is a felt need and want of the world today but it is highly controversial. So what is justice exactly, and who gets to define justice? Can Justice and love go hand in hand? For this we look to God and His word, the Bible is not just about any individual and his/her life. Nor is it a book of rules and certainly not a book of some abstract religion it is often assumed as. The Bible tells us a story in very earthly ways, of the world and human existence and their experiences: joy, pain, success, failures, obedience and rebellion. And through this immense story of restoration, of peace or justice it is defined.

In other words, the world as we often see and experience is not the true vision of the world as it ought to be, as it was created by God to function. And not just function, or just get by, to barely make it, but rather to flourish, to blossom and give glory to God and His wondrous works. Job 34:23 talks about God’s love for justice and how He will not call a man second time into judgment, nor will He try a cause twice, God’s decisions are just and this is His expression of love.

Therefore coming into judgment with God, a man’s time is not in his own hands,or ruled by his own wisdom and power. When God thinks best, He will judge him and, if oppressed or injust, God will bring forth His righteousness as the light and do him justice on all his adversaries. This goes to say that our God is a God of order and we ought to thank Him and Praise Him for His righteousness and justice and most of all His love for humanity, for He’s working to make things right again.


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