Momentary pain, endless gain


Isaiah 25:8:  He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it.

In the world that we live, there is trial, tribulation, persecution, defeat, shame, tears, etc.  God’s children are on the hunt and are on trial most of the time.  Some have been martyred and/or promoted to glory after having fought their good fight of faith.  Life has been really hard on some saints, but yet they do not give up.  They stand for God until their last breath of life here on earth.

There shall be great rejoicing when the dead in Christ will rise up and die no more.  Ain’t this a good news? The day is not far when Jesus will return and take His children home.  All those who died in Christ after having labored for Him or those who died in sickness or pain in Christ will be the first ones to raise up from dead and those who are living will be caught up next in the air with God.  After this phase, there will be no more death.  God will wipe away tears from the faces of His children like how parents comfort their children when in pain.  There will be no accusations against His people.  Everyone who stood up to accuse them will be condemned.  There will be no more persecution or wars and battles of hatred against His children.  He will take wipe every tears off the faces of His people and silence every enemy against them.  This is the inheritance and the promise of the saints of God.

The troubles that we go through on this earth are just momentary.  It will all be taken away by God, and His people will be granted perfect peace.  They will experience joy in abundance, but until that day comes, let us wait with patience.
