My Help – ELOHIM


Psalm 121:1-2

” I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”

Bible assures us that Our God, who made heaven and earth will bear us, carry us and deliver us from all troubles. It is He who sustains us through every season of our life. He is able to turn all things for good for the glory of His name. He will never leave us nor forsake us, our mighty fortress, a refuge in the days of trouble. In Psalm 34 David proclaims that he will hear our cry and come to our rescue. Such a privilege of a child of God.

Now let us think of a challenging situation we faced, let us closely analyze as to what was our response at that time. What crossed first our mind? Did we panic? Did we give in to worry and become anxious? Did we chart out a flow chart in our mind about the actions that we should take to handle the situation? Did we run to the aid of our near and dear ones seeking a solution, comfort, etc? Through it all when did we seek God? It is natural to always do the first aid before we get on our knees. Many times we feel our battles would have been much easier to win if only we had turned to god earlier.

Psalm 121:1 says “I will lift my eyes to the hills”, it is a deliberate decision made by Psalmist. Lifting one’s eyes to something which is at a higher altitude requires willingness and it is not natural. It involves effort. The psalmist makes this effort because he is confident that his help comes from there. He knows the source of his help, his help is the one who made that hill which is strong and firm. Can we express the same confidence during our tough times? Can we boldly say “God is enough for me”?

Our confidence depends on our knowledge of who our God is. As we know Him more and more we realize that Our help comes from Him and He is more than enough. This assurance enables us to have peace even in the toughest situation of our life. Those who hope in God will never be disappointed (Romans 10:11). Like Psalmist let us also make a decision that we would turn to God first at all times.

Blessed Day ahead.


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