Isaiah 38:20
“The LORD was ready to save me; Therefore we will sing my songs with stringed instruments All the days of our life, in the house of the LORD.”
We worship the Lord Jesus Christ because He willingly stood in the gap (that was a result of our sins) which separated us from the presence of the Most High and became the worthy sacrifice that was required to fill in that gap, cleanse us from our sins and restore us back to who He called us to be before Adam sinned.
There is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus. Nothing in the universe has the power to diminish His love towards us. When we are fully assured of this incomprehensible, inexhaustible love that He has for us, even in the midst of troubles, sufferings and the issues of life, He WILL NOT leave us. He sees each tear that falls, He has promised that when you call unto Him, He WILL answer. The answer may not be in the format you think, but the answer will be in the fact that He surrounds you with His presence, His protection and His promise.
So then beloved, what will your response be to this magnificent love of the Almighty? Will you too sing continual songs of His faithfulness confident that He WILL COME and save you? Even if you don’t have a stringed instrument or can’t play one, would you use your hands to make joyful sounds of claps and your vocal chords to make music unto the One who is Worthy, the One who is your Willing Redeemer!