
The Lord knows the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. Psalm 37:18-19 

We do not have answers for all the questions that this life poses to us. We put our best efforts to lead a life that will keep us away from problems and troublemakers. But ups and downs are a part of life. 

We see abundant blessings as well as the days of famine. Sometimes we wonder why we go through, what we are going through even after putting our best efforts in staying away from trouble. And the answer to most of the questions in our life, to which we do not have answer is “ONLY GOD KNOWS”

We use this term “GOD knows” very lightly, say for example, “God knows why he did that?”, “God knows why he got into drugs”, “God knows why she left her home’. Etc.  But truly, GOD KNOWS. GOD knows the reason for your pain, GOD knows the value of your tears, GOD knows the courage you have mustered to face your problems, GOD KNOWS.  In the above verse, the Psalmist says, that whom our GOD knows,  will not be put to shame even in most challenging phase of their life. When everybody lacks in the world, they will be satisfied. 

We might be going through a challenging time in our lives, our tears are not being valued, our pain is unseen by our loved ones, but we have a GOD who cares, who knows what pain is, and will not let us down. 



  1. Mids Luke
    05 Oct 2019 06:27:31 Reply

    Lord we know that you will not leave us nor forsake us. Help us to stay strong and courageous and wait on You, in Jesus name !

  2. Praveen Kumar Dass
    05 Oct 2019 09:27:06 Reply

    We need to refuel daily with his word and prayer. God will give comfort in all our circumstances, Just we need to cast all our burden and worries into his hand and he will make everything beautiful in his time and he is always loving and faithful. Praise be to God.

  3. Jesintha Jayaraj
    06 Oct 2019 20:24:16 Reply

    God knows our every ups and downs out tears and. Fears but one thing we know that he is in control enable to overcome every situation to stand firm not to give up any kind of situation thanks be to our God such a wonderful God we serve

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