Our Creator and Shepherd


Psalm 100:3: Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

There are some people who proclaim to be self-made once they reach the pinnacle of success. And then, there are some who when surrounded by failure, believe that they are all alone and that God has forsaken them. In happy times, some people tend to forget God and in times of sadness, some people think that God has forgotten them. As children of God, we must know and recognize that God is our Creator and Shepherd, and all that we are, and all that we do, is through Him.

No matter the difficulty we face or the sadness we go through, God is in control. Remember this, because He has chosen us as the sheep of His pastures, He will never forsake us; even though we may sometimes forget God. We are God’s priority, and He loves us unconditionally.

When things are going well and you have every reason to celebrate success and happiness, do not think that you did it all by yourself. It is God who has made us. So we must give God all the honor and praise for who we are, where we are in life, and even just like that. Why? Because our Creator deserves all the glory, honor, and praise forever.

What a joy to be chosen by the Lord and to be His sheep in His pastures. He created us, looks after us, and loves us. In all things, we must give reverence to the Lord and praise His name. Through all seasons He is our Father and Creator, and we must trust in Him always.


One Comment

  1. Shivaram
    12 Sep 2021 16:45:01 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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