Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. – Isaiah 40:31
We live in a fast-paced world where we try to find ways to just get things done, quickly. Despite that fact, God invites us to be patient. We are invited to trust in His timings and plans. And as our reward, God will renew our strength.
When we slow down or are patient, we are told that we will get lost and the world will overtake us. But when we wait on God we do not have the fear of missing out on valuable time. Rather we are being built up from within for a victorious return.
God doesn’t mean to sit down quietly when He refers to being patient. Patience is a posture of our faith. It is the recognition of God’s perfect timing for our life. As we wait, our spiritual muscles are being strengthened by God. Hence in the end, we are strong enough to soar high with unmatched endurance just like an eagle that is strengthened and not fatigued.
So, as we start our day, let us embrace the beauty of patience. Let us be comforted as we wait on the Lord. Let us exercise our faith as we wait on His perfect timing and prepare to soar higher than our adversaries – all for the glory of God!