Peace like a river


Isaiah 26:12 Lord, You will establish peace for us, for You have also done all our works in us.

Today is World’s Parents Day. Happy and blessed Parents’ Day to all. 2000 years ago, in a little town called Bethlehem two young people Mary and Joseph became parents to God incarnate. Jesus Christ was born through immaculate conception. Hailing The Son of God angelic hosts sang the chorus, “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” This was the day that peace was established for us. The prophet Isaiah was pointing towards the Messiah.

The prince of peace

Jesus our Lord came down to Earth from His glorious throne in heaven above and saved us from eternal torment and death. He was the perfect sacrifice, taking away our sins. Upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace. He conquered death as He rose from the grave restoring us to God. Now we are God’s children. Oh, what a standing is ours! He then ascended to Heaven and sent the holy spirit to help us. Because He knew we would need it.


Peace is the fruit of the Spirit. It is the role of the Holy Spirit to minister comfort and peace to us. We often forget that the peace available to us is from the River of the Holy Spirit. Fresh and continuous it flows. Do you thirst for a drink from it? There is good news. The river of God never runs dry so we can drink as much as we need. We can enjoy peace when we remain in Him. Isaiah 26:3 says, you will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.

Let us choose to drink from the river of God, whether through reading the holy bible or singing hymns and songs, keep your thoughts centred around the Lord. Trust the Lord in all areas of your life. Do not be anxious about anything. God is never taken by surprise by anything. He is omniscient. He knows the future. In prayer and thanksgiving make your request known to God. He will work everything together for your good.

One Comment

  1. Supriya R Kerur
    01 Jun 2024 07:17:32 Reply

    Happy Parents day to you. God is our eternal parent and comforter..Amen.

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