Planted by the rivers


Psalm 1:3:  And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

A person who loves God and does what He says is favoured by the Lord.  A tree on a river bank or a sea shore is always evergreen.  It’s leaves never dry up. It brings forth fruit in it’s season.  It never goes dry because it is deeply rooted in water.

A person who is deeply rooted in God’s word will never run dry or out of strength in any wind or storm.  He will stand still in the face of adversities and can never be uprooted.  He derives all his strength from God’s word.  Nothing can possibly defeat him.  He will still be productive and fruitful in all that he does.  He will be able to reflect godly character in his life because his strength and nourishment is from the river, the Holy Spirit.  His leaf shall not wither.  Leaf represents fertility and growth.  Whoever sets his or her heart on the word of God, will not decay or decline.  They will be productive continuously and be successful.  They will climb to greater heights.

Feed more on the word of God.  Make every conscious effort to stay rooted and grounded by the river of God.  Let us arise from slothfulness and build ourselves on God’s word.  May God make us successful and productive.
