Possible and I am Possible.


“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man, this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27 NIV 


Life seems hard at times. We are lost of the way further, Our money and friends add no more value than they can. It is then we think our life is crumbling down, and we do not have the strength to gather those crumbling pieces. Well, this is when GOD is shouting out loud to us, amidst our fears and failures that HE IS ABLE to get us out of this mess. 

We, humans, have our limits and that is why we are natural beings, coming under the laws of nature. Whereas GOD makes everything SUPERNATURAL. He is bound by nothing and no one. When HE enters our life, even our enemies are at peace with us, Storms that rage against us will fail to consume us, curses that are schemed against us will not touch us because HIS goodness and mercy are pursuing us. 

Life will always have its challenges, and that is what makes life interesting and valued. And we can be sure, with our GOD in us, that the challenges, troubling times, pandemics, economical fallout, and even death cannot affect us in a destructive manner, because all things happen for good, for those who love GOD. He is in control, and when we join our hands with him we make impossible possible and turn the natural experiences of life  into supernatural.



  1. Dr.Priya Joseph
    24 Jun 2020 08:52:52 Reply

    What a wonderful message …when God is in us..even our enemies will b at peace with us ..Hallelujah ..please pray that God gives me more strength and wisdom to love him and I offer all my weakness to Him…

    • Bethel Team
      24 Jun 2020 13:24:32 Reply

      Dear Sister, we pray for you to have strength and wisdom. God Bless you in your efforts.

  2. Ramakrishna
    24 Jun 2020 13:34:56 Reply

    LOVELY message even at adverse situations everything possible for our God Jesus. In my lowliness He’s my most High, in my weaknesses He’s my strength and salvation.
    Praise God.

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