Praising God in Adversity


I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing to You among the nations. Psalm 57:9

Praising God during tough times is a challenge. David, the psalmist, had been in the same situation. He faced various trials throughout his journey, from a shepherd boy to the political courts. It was clear that David’s heart was after God, enabling him to endure all situations.

Reflecting on this Psalm gives us insight into David’s life when King Saul chases after him. Being a fugitive with a bounty on his head meant that betrayal lurked everywhere. However, David stayed firm in his walk with God, unwavering in his commitment. We must follow suit and not allow our circumstances to affect our loyalty to God.

While we may not confront a Goliath, we all still have our giants to face. Are we ready to give up in the face of adversity like Job’s wife (Job 2:9)? It’s tempting to succumb to our circumstances, but the Holy Spirit will guide and comfort us on our journey.

We should draw inspiration from the giants of faith (Hebrews 11) as we navigate life’s challenges. With God’s help, we can overcome every hardship. We will not have to face more than we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). Let’s walk boldly, with a sense of wonder, knowing that God is the perfecter of our faith.


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