Prepare for Greatness


Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

What happens when you are anointed, but not appointed right away? Does the period of waiting on the Lord build you up or leave you discouraged?

David was anointed by Samuel when he was a young boy. However, he did not sit on the throne until many years later.

What did David do during this time?

David took care of his father’s sheep, while his brothers were in the Israeli army. Surely, David had an inferiority complex, which was only worsened when his own father overlooked him for the anointing.

But God chose David! He told Samuel to anoint him. It must have been the happiest day of David’s life when he was anointed in the presence of his entire family. Soon he was to be the king of Israel!

However, things didn’t pan out as smoothly.

David went back to the fields to herd his father’s sheep. Nothing changed in his life after the anointing. For years he grazed sheep and cleaned them every day.

David could have been discouraged. But he remained joyful and peaceful in the knowledge that God would promote him at the right time.

During his time in the fields, he fought off lions and bears to safeguard his flock. With every action, he prepared himself for the greatness that God had in store for him.

Sure enough, God propelled him into the palace and crowned him king at the right time. In fact, God made him the most celebrated king in Israel’s history!

Do you have an unfulfilled promise from God? Trust Him to bring it to pass at the right time! A promise delivered early can overwhelm us. But God knows how to prepare people before propelling them into the fullness of His blessings! Trust Him with joy and peace!


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