Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
Many of us get distracted pursuing multiple things. Some seek health, joy, peace, faith, or love, while others pursue riches and success. But the Bible says wisdom is the principal thing. So pursuing wisdom must be a lifelong endeavor.
Wisdom gives us the power of accurate judgment and the ability to choose the right solution. It teaches us how to think, speak and act in pleasing ways to God and man. Wisdom leads us to a victorious life that brings health, riches, peace, and prosperity.
The Bible says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” This is one promise with zero conditions attached.
And as you seek wisdom, ask God to give you understanding that you have the power of discernment to see more than what meets the eye. Understanding will keep you from being deceived and led astray. But when you have wisdom and understanding, you find favor from God and man.
So humble yourself today, and rely not on your understanding but seek God to give you wisdom and understanding that all may see your work and glorify our Father in heaven.