

John 16 :24 – Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

We have always heard about how when a child wants something; he runs to his parent and clings to his father or mother for the desire he so has in his heart and waits patiently and ask consistently until he is been given. Or the story of the persistent woman who kept asking the Lord until she was fulfilled. Zechariah, the tax collector went and climbed up a tree only to want to see Jesus cause he was short and could not see the Lord. The woman who bled for years and finally when she said to herself if only I touch the hem of his garment I will be saved. The man who sat near the pool and waited patiently for years for someone to heal him was asked, ” Do you want to be healed?” until he answered, “Yes!” He too received his miracle.

Ask in my name – the Lord seeks those and finds the few who cling to him no matter what. Seek him with an earnest heart and walk in diligence in his ways. His ways are not the ways of man. He will at times take us through the desert, the valley, the forest and at times leave us near an oasis where we are only to eat like the prophet Elijah – food from a raven. But in all of this and through it all  – we receive.


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