Reconsider singing


O sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord , all the earth! PSALM 96:1

Music, songs and worship is something a believer is exposed to day and in day out and week after week. Ever wondered why? What is its significance? At some point we all have heard people humming songs without their knowledge sometimes we experience that ourselves until someone points out.

Yes, songs are important to us! Here’s what we must realize, that God created singing, and like its grand architect, He knows completely its purpose and appropriate use. It is true that singing is the only instrument that truly utilizes and engages the entire physical body in order to create sound. While our song lyrics are supposed to be deeply enriched with truth, on the other hand, we are not to heavily rely on the music and lyrics to simply indoctrinate and instruct ourselves, but make an effort to surrender and offer our hearts to God in an act of worship.

It is nice to listen and lead worship with gospel music and Christian songs, but how do we personalise our worship to God who is worthy of all our praise? If we desire to listen to new songs over a period of time, imagine our God who desires to hear new songs that arise from the depth of our hearts that give Him praise? Let us go back to our roots and sing Him new songs, songs of our hearts to Him who deserves all the praise, honor and glory!



  1. Mrs. Rebecca M.Fredilis
    07 Mar 2019 12:58:55 Reply

    Praise the Lord. Daily devotional message is very encouraging. Please forward me. Thank You.

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