Serve with Gladness


Psalm 100:1-2 NKJV

“Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.”

We’re living in an age when almost everybody knows the importance of gratitude. Stationery companies have published a variety of gratitude journals and top websites have listed the myriad benefits of counting our blessings daily. Having an attitude of gratitude is the ‘in’ thing now. But this is a practice that had been outlined in the Bible thousands of years ago.

As children of God who’ve experienced His goodness and grace all through our lives, it should be our second nature to praise God and worship Him. Even on our difficult days when it’s difficult to find something to be thankful for, we can always praise God by recounting who He is – Father, Comforter, Creator, Redeemer, Provider, Healer, King, Friend… A simple shift in our attitude towards worship will make a huge difference in how we face our day.

One of the ways we can worship God is by serving Him with the talents and skills He’s given us. Look out for opportunities to bless the people God has placed in your life. And when you serve them, make sure it’s from a heart of gladness. As people who have been blessed by God, it’s our privilege to be a blessing to those around us. Serve the Lord with gladness and see what a difference it makes in your life.


One Comment

  1. Shivaram
    05 May 2021 22:46:43 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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