Sorrow is not the end.


Therefore you now have sorrow, but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. John 16:22

We notice in the above verse that two really opposite statements are made in one verse, that is, we have sorrow and secondly, no one will take our joy away from us. How can a person have sorrow, also have a joy that cannot be taken away from him?

Well, one of the most prominent lessons that life teaches us is that sorrow is inevitable, pain is a part of life. But seldom we see the beauty that GOD has restored behind these emotions. Our times of sorrow strengthens us. Our pain trains us to handle life more carefully. Our GOD uses even our most sorrowful experience in life to bring great learning and developments in life. 

We need to etch it in our hearts and minds that, when we follow JESUS, nothing can pull us back to shame and unfruitfulness. The word of GOD says in Psalm 25:3: No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame.  Yes, this is the eternal and unfailing truth about our GOD. If we have trusted HIM with our life today, there might be stormy waves, our life might not be sailing smooth, fear might strike us in uncertainty, BUT WE SHOULD BE SURE  that shame and failure are not part of it. We will rise up with the eagle’s wings. 



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