Spiritual health through God


Psalm 146:8:  The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous.

God helps everyone who needs help.  He opens the eyes of those who spiritually blind.  Sometimes, we fail to see deliverance that is coming to us because we are so caught up with negativity and wrong people around us.  God wants us to be able to see His hands of deliverance upon us.  When we yield ourselves to see what God is doing in our life, our faith and trust in Him increases.  We are so blinded by the ruler of this world that we think God is not acting any more on our behalf.  God wants you to have a changed thinking by renewing of your mind which in turn helps you to see what God is preparing for you.

Worldly pressures cause us to stoop.  They create a kind of deformity and prevent us from raising back to form.  These pressures can be in any form.  They can be in the form of burden, sin, sickness, defeat, etc.  God will never leave you in that situation.  He will raise you up from your present challenges and put you on a high pedestal.  God lifts up His children who are bound by the enemy.  God loves those who are righteous, those who seek and do His will.  He loves those who are in a right standing with Him after having been made righteous by His blood.

Our God wants to do a miracle of spiritually blessing everyone who seeks His face and is willing to yield completely to Him.


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