Take it to the Lord in Prayer


Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” 

We all have emotions. Some lift us up while others bring us down and sometimes it is these emotions that take complete control of our senses. How we react in a situation is often based on our feelings.  

Did you know that God is concerned about your mental health? He wants you to control your emotions and not the other way round. Even though He is almighty and powerful, He is sensitive and understanding towards our feelings. Hence, He commands us through the above verse not to be worried about anything, instead engage with Him in times of trouble and allow Him access to your world. 

This is not a choice but a commandment. If we have received Christ in our lives and accepted Him as our saviour, we are instructed to fight every negative thought through thanksgiving and prayer. 

In times of trouble, we fail to realise that we have access to our creator and that He is just a call away. He does not require you to do anything, but only trust in Him and allow Him to work in your situation. What a blessed assurance we have in Christ Jesus! We all are dealing with anxiety at different levels and in various areas on a daily basis. Let us not deal with it alone but take it to the Lord in prayer.


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