Tandem Ride With The Lord


1 John 3:9 (NKJV) – Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

In this verse, Apostle John’s specific audience is born again believers. Such believers who are filled with Holy Spirit cannot resort to sinning. They are expected to consecrate themselves and live a holy life unlike the world, while in the very world. God asks us to be holy as He is holy (1Peter 1:16). When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ, we are making a covenant that we will follow His footsteps leading a life that pleases Him. We are expected to stay true to that commitment without going astray or yielding to the pleasures of the world.

“Therefore, let’s declare that we will live a righteous, sinless life”.

Really? Is it that simple? Of course, not!

We are weak in the body, mind & spirit. Our strength is not enough to live an unwavering righteous life. This is exactly where Holy Spirit comes into the picture. We can take all the help we want from the Holy Spirit to overcome temptations & weaknesses. He is an ever-present help that we can turn to, in any situation. As long as we have a personal & ongoing relationship with Him, we can trust Him to protect us from sliding into sin. After all, we know that the battle belongs to the Lord. So, let’s just give the controls to Him and enjoy the tandem piggyback ride of our life.

Dear Father God, thank You for accepting me as Your child. Help me to be ever conscious of the fact that I belong to You, and with the little strength I have, let me strive my best to lead a life pleasing to you. In times of temptations, thank You for being right there to keep me from falling. Amen!


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