Thank Jesus


Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34 

Thankfulness is medicine for an aching heart. Every time, we are prompted to complain and grumble about the opportunities we have lost or missed, we must immediately refrain from that temptation and deliberately choose to thank GOD for the life that we are enjoying and the many blessings that await us. 

Our life in Christ should be a life of thankfulness. When we think of the great things that GOD Has accomplished in our life, be it in our small beginnings, or our greatest achievements, we see that HE has always been the rock and pillar, on whom we have leaned and rested. If not for HIM, we would not have made it this far. So aptly an old hymn says, “ Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow”, It is GOD who is guiding our life and leading us. He deserves all our praise and worship through thankfulness. 

Let us take this moment to thank GOD for this life, the opportunities that have come our way, the relationships that God has blessed in our life and the prosperity that we enjoy. Let us also thank HIM, for he has ensured that we lack no good thing. HE is a GOOD GOD and a caring Father. Let us Thank HIM with all our hearts. 


One Comment

    06 Mar 2022 05:35:29 Reply

    Thank you lord for guiding me through my life especially for all the mercy and blessing. Praise the lord Amen 🙏 Hallelujah 🙌.

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