The Blood of Jesus: Endurance, Salvation, and God’s Will


Hebrews 10:36 – For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.

Today is world blood donors day, And the entire chapter of Hebrews 10 expounds on the blood of Jesus. The law of Moses demanded for sin an animal sacrifice annually, owing to the imperfection of the sacrifice.

During a medical crisis where blood needs to be donated the donor’s blood group has to match the receivers in order for it to save that person’s life.

The blood of animals could not save us from sin but was only a temporary covering of sin. It was no match for the righteous requirement of God. It could not save us.

Thank God he sent us the donor Himself as we would never be able to find a worthy one. He sent His only Son Jesus Christ for us. To die for us. Shed His precious blood as an atonement for our sin.

Jesus Christ the willing sacrifice came and died for you and me. His perfect love for us fulfilling the law and plan of redemption together. Our sins are no longer merely covered by the blood of animals. Oh the blood of Jesus! That washes us whiter than snow.

The best way to respond to His awesome love is to surrender our lives back to Him. To work on our salvation by doing His will. What is his will?

Hebrews 10:38 – The just shall live by faith. Let us have faith that His word and his principles are the best to live by.

To make decisions based on the bible. To avoid counsel that contradicts the bible. To honor his word is the will of God for our lives.

We have a need for endurance, but we also have the power of the Holy Spirit. Do not lose heart. Today we have the blood of Jesus protecting us and the Holy Spirit to empower us if only we ask we will receive.


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