
2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

What does it mean to be IN Christ?

Does it mean going to church? Being a part of prayer meetings? Attending believer conferences? Or is it more than that? Most certainly, it is more than just being in a location, it is being in UNION, when two or more merge together to form one! So when you are born again something deep, deep, deep within your being changes. And the effect is so enormous, it surrounds you and you begin to exist in it. This is the power of the Holy Spirit that completely overshadows the old you, so much so that the old you, ceases to exist, it passes away. A new you is birthed, a new creature altogether, no longer bound to sin but spiritually wholly freed and filled with the power of Christ. Your very DNA has been renewed. THIS is what Christ came for!

This might sound too heavy to comprehend and accept, but this is the beautiful truth. It’s like imagining that you have been consumed by a supreme power (Holy Spirit) which you now possess and makes you a super being. You old identity is no longer that of a sinner but that of the child of the Most High, your life is no longer subject to evil but drawn towards holiness, you are no longer ruled by the ways of the world but have been given dominion and authority IN Christ. The atmosphere that surrounds you is the atmosphere of Christ. There may be times you act in your flesh, but that is not who you truly are when you are IN Christ, for you are no longer IN the flesh.

Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege of being born again. We receive the newness in our beings and declare that ALL things in our lives have become new. We pray that even as our spirits are awakened we would not be conformed to this world but will be transformed by the continual renewing of our mind by putting on Christ and casting away all that is vile. In Jesus’ Name!


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