The Grace in Giving


A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion. 

Psalm 112:5 NKJV

In the journey of life, guided by the hand of the Divine, we find ourselves wrapped in a comforting embrace of grace. As God’s beloved children, we discover the joy of reaching out to those in need with open hearts and hands. Sometimes, though, we wonder whether to help or not, and it’s in these moments that we seek guidance from above.

But in the teachings of scripture, we find wisdom that lights our path. It tells us that a kind-hearted person, whose goodness reflects that of their Creator, gives freely and without judgment. After all, as the saying goes, “You can never become poor by giving.” So let’s embrace a spirit of generosity, knowing that our God is the ultimate Provider.

Still, we shouldn’t overlook the importance of wisdom. The Psalm reminds us that it’s not just about giving, but also about being wise in our generosity. We should be smart and compassionate, understanding that not everyone’s intentions are pure. Yet, even if we’re let down, we shouldn’t let bitterness take hold. Instead, let’s turn to God for strength and keep on giving, just like Jesus did.

In our acts of kindness, we reflect the very nature of our Creator. So let’s make our lives a testament to God’s endless grace and generosity, because in giving, we become more like the divine.


One Comment

  1. Ramkrishna
    04 Jun 2024 03:59:44 Reply

    Praise the Lord Pastor
    Giving tithes, helping poor, being generosity in giving to God is is divine good. but, wisely giving is too good with discretion. In worship giving our heart, in spirit and in truth is really really, good because heavenly Father is generous God. He gave everything to all of us. He gave His precious life, that no one can give. Not only that, after ascended to heaven, He sent His spirit, the Holyspirit to guide and lead us in our daily life. Lord Jesus is only God, there is no only like unto Him. He knows our every thought, infact He corrects us, when we are in wrong direction. Let’s adore, honour and worship to our Christ Jesus, in Him there is sin at all.
    Loving heavenly Father, thank you for your heart of generosity in giving of eternal everlasting life, free gift of salvation. be with us,bless each one of us now and forevermore. In the mighty matchless name of Jesus Christ i pray.
    God bless

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