The Laws For Profit


Psalms 112:1 – Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands.

Firstly, if we ponder about what the commandments comprise of, we will understand that they are positive, constructive, profitable and just. If we are not able to believe & follow these positive, constructive, profitable and just instructions, maybe it’s time for us to review our relationship with God. Are we reading the Bible and doing the prayers out of routine?

For us to be able to overcome trials or to live in peace with others in this world, we need some instructions. If the instructions are coming from the one who created us and who has an everlasting love for us and who has a wonderful plan for our life, do we really have to think twice to obey!? Let us examine ourselves and rededicate our hearts to God because God made these laws with love for mankind, to give us a peaceful & wonderful life here on earth an after. Proverbs 10:8 says that the wise will obey the commandments, but fools won’t. So, let us be wise in heart and love His commandments first with all our heart and diligently strive to follow them in every walk of our lives. Our God is a good God who promises us a long life filled with peace for those who are obedient to Him (Proverbs 3:1,2). So, let our testimony be that we hastened and did not delay to keep His commandments, like King David (Psalm 119:60).



  1. Ramakrishna
    16 Nov 2021 06:18:43 Reply

    Praise the Lord, thank you Pastor for giving me the laws Heavenly profit

  2. P d samuel
    16 Nov 2021 10:19:03 Reply

    God’s commandments are and it is like an owner’s manual. If we follow his instructions, we wiil have a peaceful and profitable life here and an everlasting life in eternity.

  3. Kalpana A Saxena
    16 Nov 2021 12:16:58 Reply

    Very well exposed. It is an unbeatable truth. So very challenged to continue to obey even though I struggle n fall. But He lifts me up n enables me to continue…

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