The Sacrifice of Praise


Hebrews 13:15 – By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

The Bible tells us there are many ways to praise and worship God — but have you ever thought about what it means to offer a sacrifice of praise? It means that we acknowledge God above our circumstances. We live our lives in such a way that we honor and glorify Him no matter what is going on around us. We rejoice in all things.

For example, when somebody offends you and you feel like giving them a piece of your mind, but instead you just smile, do you know what you just did? You were saying with your actions, “I am living at a higher level. I am acknowledging God in every circumstance.” When driving through bad traffic and when someone cuts you off and you’re just about to tell them what you think, but instead you look over and smile, that’s giving a sacrifice of praise.

Remember, God promises to dwell among the praises of His people. When you continually offer up praise, you are inviting God’s presence and power into every area of your life!

Father in heaven, I choose to praise and glorify You in all circumstances. Help me, by Your Spirit, to be a light and example to the world around me. Thank You for working in my heart. I bless You today and always. In Jesus’ Name… Amen
