The Unfailing Deliverer


Psalm 34:4-5 “I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.” (KJV)

We have all been in tough situations. We feel helpless and incapable. Nothing goes according to plan and things just fall apart. Many times, we try fixing our own problems to no avail. Sometimes we even reach out to our family and friends only to find out that they are as helpless as we are.

Well, the question is, what do we do in such situations? Do we continue to remain helpless or call out to The One who can deliver us from all problems and bring us great joy in the process?

The above verse is a testimony of our God’s faithfulness and compassion. When we make Him our highest refuge, He will never let us down. Not only will He hear our cry, but also respond to our desolation with His divine power.

King David made God His sanctuary when He was afflicted. Sure enough, he was not put to shame. He developed a personal relationship with God and never failed to engage with Him on a daily basis. He was sincere in his prayers, because of which God’s presence never left him and eventually brought him victory.

We too can have the God of David in our lives. The God who will never leave us, no matter what happens. In life, pain and problems are inevitable. Nobody is spared from them. If we depend on our own strength we will grow weary.

Let us make God our strength today and be blessed with His power and presence. He is more than enough to overcome any trouble that may come our way. Remember, He is only a call away.


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