Victory through the Holy Spirit


Zechariah 4: 6
This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts. 

Throughout history, the world has witnessed supernatural happenings which have no plausible explanations in scientific terms. God has displayed His power through humanly impossible ways, leaving people awestruck and amazed. A mundane way of thinking restricts humankind from having faith in the infinite power of the Almighty. While we struggle with the limitations of our strength, we have a heavenly Father willing to work through our lives by pouring out His Spirit into us. 

In Zechariah 4:6, God assures Zerubbabel of His Spirit through whom great things were to be accomplished. When we’re confronted with a challenge, or we’re evaluating if a mission would be successful, our first resort is often verifying our resources and might; to see how capable we are of gaining victory over the circumstance. But God, in all His glory, is sovereign over all. He states that He is able to do exceedingly great things, the kind that is unfathomable to the human mind. Human strength and power might fail, but when the Spirit of the Lord takes the steering wheel, the promise of victory remains sealed.

Dear loving heavenly Father, thank You for Your Holy Spirit, who is the greatest gift mankind has ever received. Help us not to trust in our strength but rely on You; for every good thing comes because of Your compassion for us. Amen.

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