Wait For The Promises Of God


For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. Hebrews 10:36

We all are part of the instant generation. We have instant food like instant noodles, instant coffee, fast food. We want our emails to be responded to ‘ASAP’. We want our online merchandise to arrive in 90 minutes. We travel using the quickest route to our destination using our navigation app.

Technological advances have helped us to get everything done, quickly

But there are things that cannot be done instantly like the growth of a human baby to an adult. The laws of biology are at work. We see many such examples.

Just like the rules and laws of the physical world. God has spiritual laws. The scripture challenges us to endure. We may be waiting for a long time to receive the Lord Jesus’ promises in our lives. It is difficult to keep our faith during the waiting period. During the time of endurance, the Lord Jesus will mold, sanctify and prepare us to receive the promise. Endurance is the time of learning for us.

Today, we may be in a difficult situation in our family, job, school, ministry, health, or finances. All difficult situations may not be God’s plan but we as children of God need to ask God for discernment. We may be surprised how much we can learn through our difficult situations.

Finally, when God finishes His work in our lives and then we will be equipped and qualified to receive our reward




  1. Merlin
    18 Feb 2021 01:28:24 Reply

    These devotionals are like answers to my day to day worries on a day to day basis.. what a caring and loving God we have..!
    When I was wondering last night, when will all those prophesies come to pass in my life..?
    The Lord Jesus has texted me 🙂

    • Bethel Team
      18 Feb 2021 08:08:02 Reply

      Dear Merlin,
      We are encouraged to know that the devotions have blessed you.

  2. Hephzibah Nicholson
    18 Feb 2021 08:21:19 Reply

    Everyday devotion is such a blessing and lesson to be learnt and apply it in our day to day life. Thank you Pastors. For educating in God’s words. I often start my day in reading everyday devotion. It’s everyday day msg straight from Lord Jesus which is answered by Our Lord Jesus. Praise and Glory to be to our Almighty for we are connected and He knows our needs. God bless you all Pastors 🙏🙏

  3. Mary Elizabeth
    18 Feb 2021 10:39:23 Reply

    Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I start my day with prayer. Lord Jesus answers my prayers. Jesus Christ is a mighty messenger and nothing is impossible for him. Thank u Jesus praise u Jesus l worship u my lord. I thank all the pastors God bless them .

  4. Prakash TA
    18 Feb 2021 11:03:09 Reply

    Praise the Lord. Pl pray for my promotion which is pending for 18 yrs. However I recd a letter from higher Hq that ur selected in promotion list. but they are so many problems to give promotion. .

    • Bethel Team
      18 Feb 2021 11:11:22 Reply

      Dear Prakash,
      May the closed doors be opened for you and may the Lord grant you the desires of your heart Amen.

      You can also reach out to the church office for prayers.

  5. Flenny
    18 Feb 2021 12:41:06 Reply

    Praise the Lord church, daily devotional is like strength everyday… I’m so much blessed and encouraged by daily devotionals. I sincerely thank everyone so much, pastoral team and church.

    Blessed day 🙂

    From – Flenny D’Souza

    • Bethel Team
      18 Feb 2021 12:43:29 Reply

      Dear Flenny,

      It is encouraging to know that you are blessed by the devotionals.

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