Washing one another’s feet


John 14:14:  If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.

Washing of the feet does not mean the literal washing of feet, it means having a humble attitude and the mind of a servant-leader.  Jesus was actually carrying on a Jewish ritual performed at the time of Passover where a servant washes the feet of the inmates of the house.  Since there was no servant around, Jesus decided to take on the job of a servant and started to wash the feet of His disciples.  He set an example to the disciples of being a humble leader.

Jesus wants us to love and serve each other and take on the attitude of a servant.  A servant’s attitude is only to serve and not getting anything in return.  He never expects an appreciation for his work because hardly anybody appreciates that.  His duty is to just serve his master.   We are supposed to be walking the same path too.  We are expected to serve our Master and King and be accountable to Him.  It is our duty to take care of one another and to be available to serve each other.

Let us put on Christ and be like Him in all aspects of our day to day life.  Putting on Christ means removing the old nature from off us and becoming Christ like.  Our hearts should be filled with an attitude of service and humility to both God and to people.
