Way maker, Miracle worker, Promise keeper


Even to your old age and grey hairs I am He, I am He Who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. Isaiah 46:4 NIV

The Life of Moses is a fairly popular Sunday school story. It is particularly famous for the miracle of a dry highway paved across the Red Sea to save Israel. The Burning Bush, the Ten Plagues, and the Ten Commandments are well-known stories too. God had done great miracles to save His chosen people. He is still the miracle worker!

However, Moses had experienced God as more than a miracle worker. He discovered that God had rescued him as a baby and provided him with the best education at Pharaoh’s palace. God used the enemy as an involuntary provider for Moses. God is sovereign over every law. His hand is not short. He will rescue you. Seek God’s plan for your life and stay in it. If the need arises, you will acquire blessings from enemies.

Moses had recognized God as the One who sustained him. In the wilderness, Moses became a proficient shepherd. He encountered a supernatural God during the most mundane season of his life. You can, too. At your place of work, education, or home, God is waiting to talk to you. Moses heard God’s call at 40 years of age. It’s never too early and never too late to respond to His call on your life. He has a good plan in store for you.

Moses was one of the greatest prophets. He led the people of Israel out of slavery. He performed many miracles through the power of God. You are called to be a leader in your area of influence. Study the leadership principles of Jesus and lead by example. The power of God that enabled Moses is available to you today. When you pray in Jesus’ Name and believe in Him, miracles can happen. So, what are you waiting for? Speak life into the dry areas of your life.

Moses died at the ripe old age of 120. God carried him, rescued him, and sustained him. God has not changed and never will. He holds you; He will rescue and sustain you even to your old age and grey hair. What a confidence we have in Jesus!


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