We are accountable


Matthew 18:23: Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king which would take into account of his servants.

God’s kingdom is not only a place of joy eternal, but also a place where we have to give an account of all that we did while we were living on the earth. Whatever we did with our gifts and talents, we are accountable to God.  Just like how a king expects his servants to be accountable over everything that they have been entrusted to, in the same way, God expects us to give Him an account of everything that He has entrusted to us.

Find out what has been entrusted to you by God. At the end of the day, everybody is accountable to God.  What we have is not our’s.  God thinks of us as faithful stewards.  He trusts us so much.  That is the reason for Him to bestow us with all kinds of spiritual gifts.  It is not for us to misuse what has been given, it is for us to use them wisely and use it for God’s glory.  Never use your gifts for your own recognition but use it in a way where God is glorified and exalted.

It would be great to stand before God and give a detailed report of our stewardship. Won’t it be exciting when Jesus appreciates what we did with what He gave to us?  Use what you have received and serve the Lord faithfully.
