We seek YOU, Lord! 


Proverbs 2:6

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding”

We live in a world where we have multiple options for literally anything we want at our fingertips. But where is our confidence coming from? Talent? Money? Relationships? Or different addictions? Proverbs 2:6 is for those who seek the Lord and pursue His wisdom to be confident in any situation.

We often overestimate our understanding, seek certain things, forget that knowledge and understanding are from Him, not us, and end up in circumstances that could have been totally avoided had we practiced with God before taking any step. Remember Isaiah 55:8–9, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways.” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Over the years, I have learned one thing: God is the only trustworthy source of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. In situations like Why is this happening? When is it going to happen? How is this situation going to turn around? What is the purpose behind my pain? Remember, God is above all these questions we face in life. Seek Him and Be courageous, knowing God is in full control. God will provide us with the wisdom to speak wisely.


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