Wholesome Grace


Titus 2:14 NKJV

“Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works”.

Wholesomeness is an idea promoted repeatedly in the teachings of our Lord and Savior. His Holy Word resounds with themes of redemption, restoration, and wholesomeness. After all, He came to give us life and life in abundance.

For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people (Titus 2:11). He called us from the very beginning to a life of wholeness. He set us apart to bring His glory and grace into the world. We are not only the blessed inheritors of this benevolent gift, but great stewards of it too.

We need to grasp the right identity of ourselves and get a picture of a life channeled well for the glory of God, so we can be a blessing to others. Today’s verse reveals two major themes: the first is to receive the light and righteousness of Christ through His love, and the second is to be a channel of blessing for others to receive the same. 

When God makes something, He doesn’t leave a crack behind. What He does finds perfection and fulfillment in Him. His love is the wholesome fountain that makes everything new because it’s perfect love. Therefore, this blessing certainly isn’t to be contained but to be spread and shared. Let the entire hurting world know what His tender hands can do. 

Let’s celebrate Jesus by creating the world of His vision – a world full of the aroma of the love of Christ. You are a blessing because you are blessed!

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