
John 14:1 – “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.”

Why do you think Jesus told us not to let our heart be troubled? Is there a chance that we allow ourselves to worry about things we shouldn’t worry about? We worry about money, food, our job; we worry about the future, about what to do or not to do. We worry about illnesses, we worry about our health.

Jesus tells us – actually commands us – to “not let our hearts be troubled”, which means that we have the power to control our thoughts by “trusting in Him”, because we also ‘trust in God”. (John 14:1).

He also commands us to “not be anxious in anything” (Philippians 4:6); to “not be anxious about tomorrow” (Matthew 6:34); to “not worry about our life, what we will eat or drink”; to “not worry about our clothes – what to wear” (Matthew 6:25-28).

Why? Because our lives are more important than the food we will eat; because we are more valuable than the birds of the air that do not worry about a thing, and yet, our heavenly Father feeds them and they lack nothing. Because the Lord knows that worrying causes us stress and does not add a single hour to our lives. (Matthew 6:25-28).

So, why worry? Instead trust the Lord! Praise Him! Thank Him for everything He has been doing for you! And do listen to His instructions, because He repeats that we should “not let our hearts be TROUBLED and that we should NOT BE AFRAID.” (John 14:27b). He said He leaves His Peace with us! (John 14:27a).

BELIEVE IN HIM! And take into your heart everything that He said! Amen!



  1. Petricia P
    18 Dec 2023 06:41:45 Reply

    amen! Thank you for the encouraging true words of God. .Gives me. a reason to live

  2. alfred vincy fernandes
    19 Dec 2023 10:06:40 Reply

    Amen.. yes i do believe in His words, but sometimes i forget his words because of the weakness which is tempting me to worry unnecessarily., so i need more strength and wisdom to overcome all the weakness within me.

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